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The Office for National Statistics has released its most recent report on divorces in England and Wales, for the year of 2022.

It has revealed that there were 80,057 divorces granted that year, 29.5% lower than in 2021 and the lowest number seen since 1971. There were also 525 civil partnership dissolutions. 22.8% fewer than in 2021 and the lowest since 2010.

The median duration of marriages that ended in divorce (the mid-point of all durations) was 12.9 years for opposite sex couples, 7.5 years for males, and 6.3 for female same-sex couples.

But, while divorce rates are decreasing, why are they happening at all? What goes wrong? Here, we take a look at the top reasons for divorce using statistics. More...

With effect from 15th February 2015 EU Regulations on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) allow consumers who bought our services online to submit their complaint via an online complaint portal.

We are required under the regulations to provide our clients the following information:-
  1. Link to the ODR platform - please follow the following link for further information (
  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes